
The Center Point Art Residency Program invites artists from around the world to live, work, and interact with the Hill Country of Texas. Our program encourages and supports artists in diverse practices in the visual arts to immerse themselves and create ambitious projects that may be shared with the community to extend the reach of the traditional Art World.

CPA is committed to providing residents with the support they need to experiment and realize works. The grounds of the residency space allow for the creation of large-scale installation work already joined by a collection of important contemporary art. Residents are provided with a studio, stipend, and round-trip transportation from their original locations. Prior to the artist’s arrival, the studio space is fitted with equipment and materials needed to make the artist’s stay successful. The residency runs in the Fall and Spring, hosting one resident during each period. The end of the residency culminates in a final presentation of the work created and/or curated during the artist’s stay. 

We are currently seeking applications for Resident Artists! Please email the following information to and we will be in touch.

  • Name
  • Contact information
  • Portfolio/CV
  • Explanation of your practice, why you would like to join the Residency, and any other information you believe to be important to note.